The Bedrock of Capitalism

I currently live in a socialist country.  The money not stolen from me in the US spends better here.  I came here to retire and not pay the exhorbitant fees.

Socialism is a horrible thing.  Socialism cannot exist without some form of capitalism and a flourishing black market.  Possibly capitalism can’t exist without some aspects of socialism, although that may simply be semantics.

Because of my unique living position, I can watch as the US creeps toward the socialism cliff.  You do not recover from the tyranny of socialism.

You can argue all you want about the pros and cons of socialism. The bottom line is it doesn’t work.  It has been proven over and over again.  Did I mention it doesn’t work.

Where I ive the people are poor but don’t realize it.  The elites don’t let them see how they have become elite. Some of te overt fall out from socialism is that education is sub par even by American sub par standards.  The populace knows very little.

There is no incentive. No incentive to develop, to make things better or to advance.  Mainly because the only advancement is to get in the club of elites.

With no incentive, time and promise have little meaning. Here lies the bedrock of true capitalism.

Capitalism must be moral.  It must revolve around a set of rules that honors life.  You might be a different religion but your religion must not accept murder (abortion, honor killings, acts of religious violence).

Capitalism works best when there is little government.  The moment government exists capitalism disappears.  Actually there is an inverse proportion between capitalism and government.  The more of one the less of the other.

There exists very few moral people in the US government.  But when compared to socialist governments at least the US has a few.








































































Twenty five years ago I personally won a baseball championship.  No one ever thanked me or even acknowledged what I had done.  It simply went in the books as a team victory.

Let me come down from my high horse and explain.  It wasn’t a hit or a spectacular play but a defensive strategy, unbeknoenst to my teammates, that I took upon myself to frustrate the other team.  No one could have done this.  This story has political relevance today, so hang in there.

My team had come in second in a local softball league.  This was an A league.  The first place team in the regular season had gone to Texas where they won the national championship.  So we were playing the national champions.

Because the first place team had received permission to go to Texas, they had to play a game before us to officially be in the finals.  We had won our play off game two days prior.  As we watched the champs pummel the opposition I noticed they continually drove hits to the opposite field and went first to third.  The second basemen generally lean toward second base and leave a big hole between first and second. You see these shifts in the major leagues.  Seldom do the players take what is given to them.

I played whatever position the coach asked.  It usually depended on who could not make the game. I was offered to play second or third. on this day.  I had not played second all season but chose that position based on what I had just witnessed the game before our game.

The first play of the game I left a big hole on the right side as I hugged second base.  As soon as the pitch was tossed I ran toward first base and simply tossed the ground ball for the first out.

The game proceeded as such with me faking left and right.  I confused the champs.  As they tried to adjust they were taken out of their normal swings and tried to hit the ball to the left side. In the sixth inning they got a ball past me and they cheered and ridiculed me.  They were hopelessly behind.

How does this pertain to todays political situation?

There is someone in the government who collected information and that person told another person and they somehow formed a group that had as its purpose a plan to save America.  It could possibly even be the Q team.

This early team had to have a plan.  They had to trust only themselves.  They had to find a person to run for president that  was not establishment and had the drive and acting ability to pull this off.

But somewhere someone had to approach another with the idea.

I want to hear that story.  I want to meet that person