The Neuropsychology of Thought

With 30 years experience as a forensic neuropsychologist, I can safely say I have seen much, learned a little and can see what what is before my eyes.  Having evaluated patients with various forms of head trauma I have seen how a nick in the brain can change the way a person views their world. I have given expert witness to my finding only to find another expert give testimony contrary to my findings.  People with serious issues were hurt by the system.  Those with power and money had tilted the playing field in their direction.  The most discouraging aspect is that the whole system accepted this behavior.

If you were attracted by the title I’m sorry because I don’t know where we get our thoughts.  I get thoughts that seem to come from nowhere.  I have bad thoughts and good thoughts.  The fact that I know the thoughts are bad or good most likely reflects a two parent household and a belief in God.  Since I evaluated so many truly evil people, I have come to understand that lying is the one thing you can be sure from a wrong doer.  In fact I had a patient tell the truth and the court had to recess.  It turns out the truth she told cost the career of a court professional.

The adage to “follow the money” led to the wrong doers. Now it is “follow the lies”.

Here is where thought comes in.  Lies hurt.  Lies cause damage to good people as well as the liars.  Lies are meant to deny culpability because the liar knows what they did is wrong.  To avoid responsibility a lie will at least give you time to have a narrative that can support your lies.

I have been lied to my entire life.  My teachers lied, the history books lied, the priests lied.  I saw it as a child.  I did not accept what was told to me but I went a long with the lie because my parents taught me to respect my elders.  I still don’t stand up for the truth because I am afraid I will lose friends who have not only accepted the lies, but add to the lies.

We are living in historic times, particularly in the U.S. We are facing our lies.  We have a president who has forced the liars into a corner.  Like the rats they are they will attack to save their lies from being exposed.

I live outside the USA. I see first hand what socialism does to the human spirit.  I see the graft, the theft, the disregard for people.  I listen to the news and see how the American public is lied to.  I see the lies about vaccines, climate change, medications, health care, family, God, sexual orientation.  I see it in the movies, on the news.  I hear it from seemingly sane people.  I listen to people avoid the morality of a topic for fear of losing face.  I see the liars gather together to bolster their opinions.

The lies are so overt, so over the top.  The lies have made me rethink how I think.  I look at events in history and want to discuss these topics but the liars shut down any exploration into thoughts outside of the lying narrative.  I watch alternative news.  They are the real news now.  I compare the two sides with what is shown or reported and the discrepancy cannot be denied.  The MSM lies — blatantly lies to the American viewer.

Even the accurate news misses the point.  The truth telling politicians avoid the obvious truth.  They don’t say the raw truth supposedly because they might get sued or ridiculed.

The truth stems from an attempted coup, an overthrow of the American way of life.  The bad actors (we know them by name and they are many) use American tax payer dollars to fund the destruction of the American people. The bad actors have written their intent for many years.  Right in front of your faces.  They have population reduction as one of their planks.  They kill you with vaccines, drugs, medications, withheld treatments that work, with abortions and weather control (just look at the sky).

Most people foolishly believe the bad actors are after the president.  They are after you.  How did they get this way.  Not difficult to see — money.  The received large amounts of your money to fund your destruction. We can discuss the chain of command after we rid DC of the swamp rats. I have my opinion.  The people at the top are very few.

I am willing to accept that there exists outside forces at play.  I read and watch so many opinions that I change my mind daily. But my thoughts keep adding the lies.  The wealth of the politicians, the continual mention of pedophilia, the overt lies, the stories that don’t make sense, the refusal of a certain collective of people who don’t stand for anything except the removal of their only impediment — the president.

Someday soon, this year, it will become clear.  What happens to the liars is simple.  What happens to the believers of those liars is not clear.

Oh, by the way I lied.  Our thoughts come from God.